Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Another month later...

A trend seems to be developing. On the one hand, I feel a little bad for neglecting this blog, but on the other- well, honestly, who reads this besides me? And I'm not even reading it, per se, I'm just babbling into an appropriate outlet and then wandering off again. Still, I generally feel better when I've been journaling regularly- gets all of the random, rambling thoughts into something that resembles coherency, and then I can actually start to deal with them.

That being said- I've been thinking about the nature of Divine relationships a lot lately; it seems to be popping up a lot. Most recently, at TC, where a member was feeling like they should be entering into some sort of relationship with an Mhorrígan, a deity I am dedicated to. As I typed up my short post, I realized how uncomfortable I get talking about my UPG- especially when related to deity interaction. I'm really not sure why, which is irritating. I'm going to think on that some more.

But anyway; I was pondering divine relationships, and my personal relationships with various deities. Danu seems content that I think of Her when I get my feet wet, and that I honor Her name in prayer; Het-hert and an Dhagda seem content that I wear jewelry for Them everyday, for neither have asked any more from me. Lugh...I know He is one of the three that I *belong* to, if that makes any sense...but He's the only one of those three who hasn't asked anything of me yet. I can feel His guidance, but other than that, He's pretty quiet with me. Caer seems amused that I honor Her such as I do, but She, with Aengus (who seems equally amused, honestly) reminds me to be true to myself in matters of love and relationships, and I can feel Their displeasure when I start lying to myself. Brighid and an Mhorrígan are the other two whom I *belong* to, and They are the ones whom I feel the presence of the most- Brighid, in that She pushes me to be creative in every aspect of my life, and an Mhorrígan, in the sheer chaos that sometimes engulfs me- and the strength I am forced to nurture so I make it out in one piece. I feel like I was going somewhere with all this, but apparently I've lost the map. Oh well.

I need to borrow the boyfriend's camera so I can take pictures of my new shrine; it's turned out very well, I think. It's not quite done- is anything ever done with me?- but it's looking good thus far. I am pleased, and I think They are too. They'll be more pleased when I get off my ass and actually practice more. That would be good.

That, though, I will save for another entry, as my wrist is hurting and my mind feels fogged. With any luck, it won't be another month before my next entry!

// Juni

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